Hajj is a rejuvenating journey that every Muslim desires to go on at least once in his/her lifetime. Why? For one, it has been made obligatory upon him by Allah SWT if he is able. Second, who wouldn't want to visit Allah's house on this Earth? Who wouldn't want to visit the place where once, Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) stood, where Rehmat ulil Alameen Muhammad (PBUH) once performed Hajj? Who wouldn't wish to see the famous Safa o Marwa where once Hajira, wife of Ibrahim (AS) ran frantically in search of water for her infant son, Ismail (AS)? Who wouldn't have the desire to stand on the plain of Arafat where once people gathered to listen to the famous Khutbah Haj at ul- Wida, the last sermon of our Propher Muhammad (PBUH). To breath the air that was once inhaled by Ibrahim, Ismaeil, Muhammad (PBUH) and many pious men in the history of Islam and to drink Zam Zam, the pure and fresh water that once quenched the thirst of Hajra and her baby Ismail (AS), who wouldn't aspire for that?
No doubt, its the dream of every Muslim men and women to go to Makkah for performing Hajj, but its never been so easy. For people who live far away from Saudi Arabia, a lot of planning, arrangements and finances are required. I remember my late grandfather (may Allah bless him with the highest place in jannat ul firdous) used to tell me that how he and my grandmother travelled all the way from Pakistan, on ship, to Saudi Arabia for Hajj and it took them many days to just reach there. Now-a-days, how ever the travelling has become easy but, of course, expensive. No matter, where ever you are, all you have to do is to board a plane and you will reach Saudi Arabia in a few hours. Amazing, isn't it? Also different providers all around the globe, now provide different Hajj Packages to people, a one comprehensive package, which includes the arrangements for travel, stay, food, transport during Hajj etc.
The problem which people often face is how to chose that one package which fulfills all their needs and whose service has been tried, tested and recommended by others. There is a website, with the name of Hajj explorer, that has been initiated while keeping in mind all these factors.
It is a platform which contains details of Hajj and Umrah packages from providers in USA. The purpose of this project is to collect as much information as possible about different packages available out there at a single place so that the interested parties can easily search, compare and even review and rate the packages they have had experience with. Have you ever compared phones from T-mobile website where you get to see the features of the selected phones in the form of a table? In the same way you can compare in detail the Hajj and Umrah packages on their website and make an educated decision. An excellent endeavor masha'Allah. I hope they extend it to include packages from Pakistan as well.
Follow them on Facebook and Twitter.
Also i would recommend everyone to read Tips for choosing a Hajj package, so that you are able to choose the best Hajj Package for you and your family!
May Allah SWT give every Muslim a chance to visit His home and perform Hajj at least once in his/her life. Ameen!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Friday, July 5, 2013
The Origin and Background of Hajj Rituals
The literal meaning of word Hajj is “to set out” or “to
make pilgrimage”. In Shariah, Hajj refers to the annual pilgrimage of Muslims to
Makkah to perform certain religious rites in accordance with the teachings and
methods prescribed by Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Hajj occurs during the last month
of Islamic calendar, from 8th to 12th Dhu al-Hijjah.
The origin of Hajj dates back to 2000 BC and many of the
Hajj rites come directly from the life of Hazrat Ibrahim/Abraham (AS). For example, the rite of Sa’i when Muslim pilgrims run/walk
between the hills of Safa and Marwa seven times is the re-enactment of Hajra’s
distressed search for water for her infant son, Ismail (AS), when both of them
were deserted by Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) in a barren valley on the orders of Allah
SWT. Hajra was the second wife of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). To quench her son’s
thirst, Hajra ran back and forth between Safa and Marwa to find water. It is
said that the angel
Jibril (Gabriel), on Allah’s order, touched down to earth and created a spring
of fresh water for the baby. This spring, called Zamzam,
still runs in Makkah.
Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was a very righteous and pious man.
Although his father, Aazar, was a well known idol sculptor and a polytheist,
Ibrahim (AS) denied his father’s religion and believed in the oneness of God.
He was chosen as a prophet and dedicated his whole life to Allah SWT. He was given
the title of “Khalilullah” (friend of Allah).
His son Ismail (AS), like his father, was strong in
faith. Allah SWT tested their loyalty when He ordered Ibrahim (AS) to sacrifice
his beloved young son, Ismail (AS), in the name of Allah. SubhanAllah, look at the
level of faith and belief of the father and son, when Ibrahim (AS) told his son
about what he dreamt, Ismail (AS) was immediately willing to follow Allah’s
orders. However Allah SWT placed a ram
instead of Ismail (AS), since the notion all the way was to assess the
allegiance of Ibrahim (AS). Allah
felicitated Ibrahim as He says in the Quran [37:104-105]:
called to him, ‘O Abraham, You have fulfilled the vision.’Indeed, We thus
reward the doers of good.”
To commemorate this great sacrifice and the readiness to
carry out Allah’s bidding, Muslims all over the world celebrate “Eid Al-Adha” at the end of
the Hajj pilgrimage.
Allah SWT ordained Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) to build the
Ka’aba –the house of Allah, along with his son, Ismail (AS) as Allah mentions
in the Quran:
[mention, O Muhammad], when We designated for Abraham the site of the House,
[saying], "Do not associate anything with Me and purify My House for those
who perform Tawaf and those who stand [in prayer] and those who bow and
prostrate.” [Surah
al-Hajj : 26-27]
It is around this Ka’aba that the pilgrims perform the
ritual of Tawaf, which involves circling
the Ka’aba seven times in
counter-clockwise direction .
After performing Tawaf, Muslims go to the Station of Ibrahim (Maqam
e Ibrahim) to pray two nafl
prayer rakahs,
and then drink water from the sacred Well of Zamzam,
before proceeding to the next ritual of the Hajj, the S'ai. Station of Ibrahim is the name of the
stone on which Sayyidna Ibrahim (AS) stood while building the Ka’aba. It was one
of the miracles of Ibrahim (AS) that this stone became soft and his feet sank
into it, forming an impression on it which can still be seen, SubhanAllah!
al-Jamrat” (Stoning of the Satan), another obligatory ritual of Hajj,
also relates to an important event in Ibrahim (AS) life. Pilgrims perform Ramy
al-Jamrat by casting stones at three pillars. These three pillars are said to
be located at the three locations where Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was tempted by
Satan when he was going to sacrifice his son, Ismail (AS), as demanded by Allah
SWT. The pilgrims must hit each pillar at least seven times with the pebbles
they have picked up in Muzdalifah. The notion behind this rite is to show
defiance of the Devil/Satan.
On the ninth day of Dhu al-Hijjah, pilgrims make their
way atop the hill, Mount Arafat or otherwise known as 'Jabal Al Rahmah', the
hill of forgiveness. Pilgrims gather on the plain of Arafat and engage
themselves in Zikr, prayers and Quran recitation. This is known as “Wuquf”
and considered as the highlight of Hajj. The significance of Mount Arafat is
that it is the site where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) delivered his famous Farewell
Sermon (Khutbah Hajjatul Wida) to the Muslims who had accompanied him for the Hajj
towards the end of his life. It was on Jabal al Rahmah where Adam and Hawa (Eve)
were reunited and forgiven by Almighty Allah and it is on this same plain where
all humans will gather in front of Allah SWT on the Day of Judgment.
Each and every rite of Hajj has a history and a lesson
associated with it, as stated in this blog. Knowing the accounts behind these
rituals will enable the pilgrims to perform Hajj with a heightened level of
zeal and earnestness, insha’Allah.
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Types of Hajj
Hajj is a rejuvenating journey, a ritual which cleanses
the heart of a believer from all sins. Its blessings and rewards are endless.
When a Pilgrim goes to Makkah to perform this beautiful act of worship, he/she
is a guest at the house of Allah SWT, Subhan’Allah!
Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated
that the Prophet (SAW) said:
who perform the Hajj and those who perform the Umrah are people who have come
to visit Allah. If they supplicate Him He will respond to them, and if they ask
Him for forgiveness He will forgive them.”
(Tirmidhi 2536 and Ibn Majah)
There are a prescribed set of compulsory rituals that
have to be performed in order to accomplish Hajj. However while the basic Manasiks
(rituals) of Hajj remain the same, there are a few variations on how to perform
these rites, which categorizes Hajj into three types:
Hajj al-Ifrad
Hajj al-Qiran
Hajj al-Tamattu’
means “Isolation”. The pilgrim performing Hajj al-Ifrad is called Mufrid. In
this type of Hajj, the Mufrid enters into the state of Ihram at Meeqat with the
intention of performing only Hajj. In other words, he/she does not perform
Umrah. Mufrid should say:
Allahumma labbayka bi Hajj” or “Labbayka Hajjan”
“O Allah! I answer Your call to perform Hajj.”
“O Allah! I answer Your call to perform Hajj.”
pilgrim remains in the state of Ihram till he has carried out all the rituals
of Hajj, upto the Farewell Tawaf (Tawaf e Wida). It is not obligatory for
Mufrid to slaughter the hadi (sacrificial animal).
means “conjoining”. In this type of Hajj, the Pilgrim (called Qarin in this
case) goes into the state of Ihram, at Meeqat, with the intention of performing
both Umrah and Hajj. He/She performs Umrah (Tawaf and Sa’i) and maintains Ihram
till all the rituals of Hajj are performed. In other words, a Qarin is not
allowed to abandon the state of Ihram after carrying out Umrah. The pilgrim
should say:
Allahumma labbayka bi Hajjin wa Umrah”
Allah! I answer Your call to perform Hajj and Umrah”
is obligatory for Qarin to offer the sacrifice of animal in the name of Allah
Tamattu' means “to resort to ease and comfort”. It is
the easiest and the most abundantly performed type of Hajj. The
Pilgrims carry out both Hajj and Umrah but with separate Ihram each, which
means that there is a relaxation of Ihram between Hajj and Umrah. The pilgrim
performing Hajj al-Tamattu is called Mutamatti'.
this type of Hajj, the pilgrim or Mutamatti’ first goes into the state of Ihram
at Meeqat with the intention of performing only Umrah. He/She should say:
Allahumma labbayka bi Umrah” or “Labbayka 'Umratan”
“O Allah! I answer Your call to perform Umrah.”
“O Allah! I answer Your call to perform Umrah.”
The Mutamatti'
performs the Tawaf, prays two Rak'ahs at Maqaam e Ibrahim, drinks Zamzam,
carries out Sa’i and then gets the hair cut or shaved. This ends his/her Umrah
and the Mutamatti comes out of the state of Ihram. Now he can continue wearing
his normal clothes and the restrictions of Ihram does not apply.
on the day of Tarwiyah, that is the 8th of Dhu al-Hijjah, the
pilgrim again enters into the state of Ihram, this time with the intention of
Hajj, saying:
Allahumma labbayka bi Hajj” or “Labbayka Hajjan”
“O Allah! I answer Your call to perform Hajj.”
“O Allah! I answer Your call to perform Hajj.”
pilgrim then performs all the rituals of Hajj and then comes out of the state
of Ihram. Slaughtering of hadi is mandatory in Hajj al-Tamattu'. Allah SWT says in the
any one wishes to continue the Umrah on to the Hajj, he must make an offering
such as he can afford, but if he cannot afford it, he should fast three days
during the Hajj and seven days on his return, making ten days in all. This is
for those whose household is not in (the precincts of) the Sacred Mosque, and
fear Allah, and know that Allah, is strict in punishment.” [2:196]
those who set out for Hajj way before the Day of Tarwiyah (8 Dhu
al-Hijjah), Tamattu’ is the
most practical form of Hajj to carry out; while for those who arrive at Makkah
close to the Day of Tarwiyah, both Qiran
and Ifrad can be easily consummated.
must be clear, however, that all the three above mentioned ways to perform Hajj
are perfectly acceptable in Islam; it is merely a matter of preference,
convenience and choice.
one is the best way to perform Hajj? There is a difference of opinion among
scholars on it. According to some, Tamattu’ and Qiran are better and should be
preferred since both of these are more demanding and require more effort from
the pilgrim. While some scholars are of the view that Ifrad is the best form of
Hajj since it allows the pilgrim to carry out Hajj rituals with full
involvement, focus and concentration. However it should be remembered that it’s
not the type of Hajj which should matter, the reward and acceptance of Hajj
lies in the intention, zest and devotion with which Hajj rituals are performed.
As Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) said:
all actions are but driven by intention and for everyone is what he intended.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]
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What does Hajj Symbolizes?
Hajj is among the five pillars of Islam that lay the
foundations of a Muslim's life. It is
incumbent upon every mentally, physically and financially able Muslim to
perform Hajj at least once in his or her lifetime.
Allah says in the Quran: “Hajj to the House is a
duty that mankind owes to Allah, those who can afford the expenses."
[Surah Aal-e-Imran: 97]
Hajj is a
beautiful act of worship, a ritual that symbolizes complete submission to Allah
SWT. There is an immense wisdom and
purpose behind Hajj. Hajj is a very
comprehensive form of worship, it is the culmination of all the remaining
pillars of Islam. The main purpose of Hajj is the obedience of Almighty Allah, to
acknowledge that everything we own is a blessing that He bestowed upon us, so
we should not attach our hearts to the worldly possessions and hence devote ourselves completely to the one
and only, Allah, as He SWT says in the Quran:
(remember) when We showed Ibrahim(AS) the site of the House (saying):
'Associate not anything with Me, and sanctify My House for those who
circumambulate it, and those who stand up (for prayer), and those who bow and
make prostration (in prayer).” [Surah al-Hajj : 26-27]
The grandeur of this journey can only be understood when one realizes who he/she is going to visit: The house of Allah SWT on this earth, SubhanAllah!
The grandeur of this journey can only be understood when one realizes who he/she is going to visit: The house of Allah SWT on this earth, SubhanAllah!
Right from the
beginning, Hajj serves as a connotation for the journey of the Hereafter.
Before embarking on this holy pilgrimage, the Muslim pilgrims (or Hajis) have
to wear Ihram, which is the dress code for Hajj. There is no particular
restriction for women, they can wear any modest clothing which maintains their
Hijab, provided it is not made of silk. For men, it consists of two un-sewn
pieces of white cloth, sounds familiar? Yes, Ihram is symbolic to Muslim's
burial garb or "Kafan"! When a Muslim dies, his/her body is wrapped
in white shroud (kafan) before it is sent to the final resting place, the grave.
Kafan, thus, symbolizes the beginning of our last journey, which starts right
after a person dies. In the same way, when a Pilgrim wears Ihram, he is being
reminded of his ultimate journey of Hereafter. When he removes his stitched
clothing to dress into Ihram, as per the orders of Almighty Allah, he is
abandoning his material desires and attachments, hence, acquiring a state of
humbleness, humility and submission to his only Lord.
Allah is the most Merciful, no doubt, He is
Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-Raheem. It is one of His innumerable
blessings that He allows us to experience the symbolic state of afterlife,
giving us a chance to change our lives and revert our hearts while we still
can. When all Muslim pilgrims gather at the land of Arafah during Hajj, it
serves as a reminder of the promised Day of Judgment, when all human beings
will be standing at the same place, on the same ground, in front of Allah SWT, waiting
for their final destiny, to reap what they sowed.
Hajj is a great bounty of Allah SWT. It allows the
pilgrims to indulge in the showers of mercy bestowed upon them by Almighty
Allah, when they perform Hajj with the purest intentions and complete adherence
to the prescribed virtues and values. The Prophet SAW said:
is no ritual parallel to an approved Hajj, and there is no reward for it less
than Paradise. A pilgrim becomes (so pure) like a newborn baby. Once the
pilgrims complete their rituals, they will be told: ‘You’ve built a construction then do not destroy it. Your past is
forgiven, then take care of your future.’"
pure like a new born baby, Allah-o-Akbar!
beautifully exemplifies the equality of all human beings in front of Allah SWT.
When Muslims from all over the world, despite the differences in their social status,
race, gender, color and ethnicity, perform Hajj wearing the same dress,
following the same rules and regulations, saying the same prayers at
the same time in the same manner, it demonstrates the most profound message of
Islam, the concept of equality of mankind. The only preference in the eyes of
Allah is piety. The Quran states in Verse (49:13):
" O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a
female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other.
Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most
righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all
The annual convention of Muslims in Makkah during Hajj
also depicts the unity of Muslim Ummah to rest of the world. When Muslims of
different nationalities and races assemble at one place and get a chance to
socialize with each other, it inculcates and reinforces the emotions of
brotherhood, good will and harmony among them, which make Pilgrims more
tolerant and compassionate towards each other. Hence the enthralling journey of
Hajj not only cleanses Muslims spiritually but also serves to bring the Ummah together,
uniting them in a strong bond which is founded on the principles of Islam, as
Allah revealed in the Quran:
"The believers are nothing else than brothers. So make reconciliation between your brothers and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy" [Al-Hujjurat 49:10]
"The believers are nothing else than brothers. So make reconciliation between your brothers and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy" [Al-Hujjurat 49:10]
To make the Hajj acceptable or "maqbool",
purification of heart and an effort to elevate it to a state that is admissible
by Allah SWT, is obligatory. Knowing the true purpose, spirit and significance
of Hajj, awareness that Allah is constantly watching over us and the fear of
accountability will help us in preparing for this mesmerizing journey of a
lifetime insha'Allah!
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